
I can’t put into words how much I dislike coding in front of people in an interview

  • 2
    I can relate!
  • 3
    And how much I dislike wrong tags,

    DevRant != Developer Rant

    Post Rants in Rant Section,

    you're not a green dot
  • 3
    Easier than fapping in front of people during interview for other position.
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    @theabbie what does any of that mean
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    I really hate the obsession with this kind of shit in modern recruitment. Look at their resumé, if it looks good, set them a challenge or get them in for an interview/on a call. Maybe set another one afterward. They'll be on probation at first, if they're shit, it's not hard to rectify hiring them.

    How well someone can code on the spot with an audience is of zero interest to me. It's like being able to answer the question 'what is your biggest weakness?' - a skill with little use outside of a specific interview scenario.
  • 2
    @JordanG you posted this in wrong category, devrant tag is for rants about DevRant platform.
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