
Today a tester asked me to make a modal smaller. I read the code and saw modal size was explicitly set to "large". So I was about to set its size to default but I asked myself "what if I enter a random string there?" and I set it to "not-so-big". UI framework handled it well and actually set its size to default. I'm keeping the code that way for future laughters.

  • 12
    Future dev: what a fucking retard, hahaha
  • 1
    This would make my day :D Love it
  • 11
    Don't want to shit into your funsies here but I'd fucking hate you for that
  • 11
    @nitwhiz "We attempted to change all default values over to this other value using sed, but this one modal isn't changing and we don't know why."
  • 0
    @sariel the fun makes the sense
  • 1
    It‘s painful to see it not being a strictly typed enum.
    I hate stuff like xml.
  • 1
    @petergriffin @nitwhiz Among all the good things I've done, this won't be a big problem I guess.

    @sariel they can still change default modal properties and this still won't cause a bug. Because modal also accepts undefined size value. So size is optional prop. Anything other than 'small' and 'large' size acts like default size. I validated by checking components source code. So I'm not being an asshole by doing that :D
  • 0
    @hack I think the joke is hilarious, but I wouldn't let it pass review.

    it's not about changing what the default state is, it's about changing everything that is marked "default" to something else, like "large".

    I try to keep my rants and jokes to comments or commits only (it really depends on how much cursing is in them).

    my favorite:

    #there once was a dev from nantucket
    #he looked at this code and said fuckit
    #so he committed his code, like one big fat chode
    #and now you're reading his comments
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