I've been coding for fun since before I was a teenager (I'm 28) but, excluding two small freelance projects, not in a professional capacity as I've pursued another career.

To help land my first real programming position I'm now building my portfolio. (http://daglundberg.se)

Any tips, feedback, thoughts?


  • 3
    Ooh a long time casual Dev, may you're new journey be prosperous.

    As for that portfolio, you may want to reduce heading sizes on mobile and fix that giant YouTube video, there's nothing worse then a side scrolling website when it's not expected.

    Google: responsive YouTube iframe css

    Also, if you're going to center align images, do it for all of them, the last section looks like you missed it for artmico.

    On a Dev side:
    Don't use inline css, add another class to your extra-styles.css file.

    style="background-color: #32133F;"

    Also, go through these and fix up what you can.


  • 1
    @C0D4 wow fantastic! Thank you very much!
  • 1
    My website “portfolio” is literally black text on white background, some free font I liked and keywords of stuff I can do/like.

    That was the most effective portfolio so far. You speak with the company anyways about the specifics and you get a better feeling how they like you and what’s what all about.

    I’m 23 btw
  • 1
    Also, it says "webside" somewhere, I think that should be website? Not sure. Good luck!
  • 1
    @Lucky-Loek you might wanna decrease font size on mobile tbh

    You being OP
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