
So jelly of all you people out there with a good enough internet connection to setup your own server environment at home. Sitting here with max 10mbit/s down and 2mbit/s up

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    That shouldn't stop you from setting up an environment that is accessible locally.
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    Moving soon, and at the new house there's fiber Internet :D Getting 500/500.
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    *cries in 500kbs down*😭
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    @lewdogg true, but the thought of spending much money on an environment that has a very small prctical use doesn't appeal as much to me.. thinking about putting up a network of raspberry pi's, who knows, maybe I'll get addicted (:
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    @FrozenDroid wow lucky you
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    @linuxxx ouch, can you even load stuff on that? Would be a pain to do local backups..
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    I moved to a different country about 6 months ago. Back at the old place I have the same speed and I set up a home server on an old laptop I had lying around. Mostly for local network usage, but works for internet access as well if I really need it. Now I have 360/36 Mbps and I am too lazy to setup a server :/
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