
almost end of working day... jobless...

me : *running `uptime` on a server*
*for no reason* : runs `uptime --pretty`

interesting output... ( that I have seen so many times on my personal machine because I have `uptime` aliased to `uptime --pretty` )

*thinks to self* : didn't we create that program that computed a similar output? Wonder if the code is similar...

*brain gets excited about the source code of `uptime`*

goes hunting for the source code of `uptime`... finds it... ( wasn't too hard anyway )

now here I am comparing my code with the source code of `uptime`

what a way to end the day... 🤦‍ FML!

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    @AtuM neither. it was the time at the end of the day, you are simply waiting for the right time to clock out. and you try to waste some time until then.

    it could either be that you finished the tasks for your assignment or it could be that you did not want to take on the next task because it was too big that you would not have enough time to finish it before you clocked out and kept it off for the next day.
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