
Fuck fuck fuck I can't even read this source code let alone abstract the core algorithm from it. Fuck C++ and fuck this extremely non verbose code and plethora of syntactic sugar that makes it impossible for anyone who doesn't know the nuances of the language to read it. You could literally put me in the middle of a country where nobody speaks English and i would still have an easier time than I am now.

  • 1
    @Xunie lol.You lost me there.
  • 0
    To be fair few can write clear C++ code really. I've seen too much horror from people who've picked up a "Learn C++ in N days" kinda book and have based their entire linguistic ability on that crap.
  • 0
    @Xunie that doesn't scream nom verbose :)

    But yah post the code! What version of C++?
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    @port22 that has nothing to with the language .it's about the quality of code you are reading .working with c++ is the best you can do and the code is c++ is very clear almost always you can viUalize what's going on. Let's take a very simple to read language I hope Python with dynamic type deduction ,it's all good and happy when the code is few scripts of 500 lines say but when you have to do anything serious with it, it quickly becomes a nightmare because you just loose track of data being tossed around. I just don't fucking understand why people blame languages what is required is increasing the fucking knowledge . And I am talking about serious applications that has to be maintained for years to come and cannot quickly be changed . All the verbosity in c++ deals with basic types and memory manipulation and that is like ABC of computer science if people start freaking out with such silly basic fucking things I just dnt have anything to say.
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