
Our teacher just told us to share our code via drive or dropbox or something like that, and I was there like "hey ever heard of git?????"

  • 5
    - I'm trying to configure github in my ide to open my project at home.
    Teacher: well, you can use dropbox.
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    Probably condescending, thinking that not everyone in class will understand git. Dropbox is just so easy and simple to install and use. (Tho it is a terrible Version Control System) But behold the usefulness of learning VCS, especially git.

    Lucky you, being allowed to collaborate on school coding projects. Collaboration in my uni is considered big-time cheating and has serious consequences. Meanwhile in the real world, no company in the field has just one dev writing an entire project, and VCS is definitely involved. Good job preparing students for work, uni...
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    They probs don't git that yet nahh
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    typeof(git) != typeof(dropbox)
    Github on the other hand can be used for sharing, but no real point to using it instead of Dropbox or Drive... If you use it for version control or collaboration however that's another story, if you use Dropbox or Drive for that you're just silly.
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    @Bikonja they tell us to use it as version control
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    @W-DnD 😲 that's unreasonable
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    @Bikonja yeah luckily me and another guy of my team now git well enough to explain to the others and use it, they actually wanted to start sending project.rar 's around via facebook
  • 1
    @W-DnD that's the spirit!
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