
Top 5 common rants I'm tired of

1. Look at me I'm using the latest language called gab-t#, ur so ancient for using swift
2. It's you're not your
3. Look at my duck, I shove it up my ass Everytime there is a problem I can't solve
4. Look at my Windows PC which is in a virtual machine in Linux which I VPN into using vim, ur so uncool
5. Look at me my coworkers are sooo incompetent....More bitching

  • 11
    Haha isn't point 5 kind of the idea behind this whole community?
  • 3
    1.-4. I am fully with you.

    But 5. No. I need @h3ll rants in my life. They give me the motivation and the happiness to live for another day.
  • 2
    Well damn time to delete devrant then cause that's all devrant is
  • 6
    To be very honest, I'm really tired of those rants complaining about what kinda rants etc they don't like. If you don't like a rant, down vote it with 'not for me' and move on.
  • 1
    You literally just complained that there's too many rants on an app called devRant.
  • 2
    But you'll probably enjoy our new collabs feature. No "bitching" there (though I love the bitching!)
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