
Accidentally left an AWS RDS connection open overnight

I finally understand those memes about how AWS is paying for what you forgot to turn off

  • 12
    ... at least you remembered about it in the morning. I left wasted a couple dozen bucks in unusued Azure services in two weeks... fortunately the finance ppl were so dumb I was able to fool them into thinking it was a normal expense with a feature we were working on 🤣
  • 1
    That's why we have cloudwatch billing alarms :)
  • 1
    Question... Why keep using aws?
    I checked it out when I rented a vps and it gets so expensive so fast... Why not rent a vps?
  • 1
    @JonBorno the problem with cloud watch alarms is that it’s just an alarm. Not a trigger or hard cap. Can’t expect the person receiving them to respond instantly, especially on nights or weekends.
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