
I'm really hating society today. If this offends you; good.

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    @thmnmlst WOW DUDE YOU GOT SO MUCH REP! Hahaha 😂
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    @thmnmlst Just idiots everywhere. Begging for money in the streets, ten minutes later I see them walk off their wheelchair and walk right into a pub. Then random idiots passing by on the streets being jerks to people
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    @Letmecode I think you might be my soul mate. Oh wait, I already have one. Get back in line (but don't worry, you're next, anyway) 😂
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    @linuxxx God damn it!
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    Only today? I spend all of my days hoping humankind would go extinct finally, we've had a good enough run :)
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    @Letmecode I do not know what to answer to that... I'm too anti-social...
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    Dude calm down. Anyway society is a part of our life. I hate people sometimes also and than I try to find something good in it.
    Try to start a read some articles like this - https://leadershiptroy.org/impact-o... , maybe you will change your opinion
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