
It's hard to see my parents struggling financially. This pandemic has really brought us down to massive debt. My weekly allowance is just enough to feed my cats.


  • 3
    Get a job and help them out instead
  • 3
    @100110111 let's be kind to the lad, where he is at there might be no jobs due to the pandemic impact or he might not be old enough to work :(
  • 2
    @AleCx04 oh... gosh, I forgot the question mark. It was supposed to be a friendly suggestion.

    I mean, it must suck for OP’s parents, and I have at least some sympathy in me for people affected worse off by the pandemic.... but at the same time I’ve seen way too many leeches expecting their parents to provide for them for way too long to be quite skeptical...
  • 2
    @100110111 punctuation make alot difference...
  • 1
    @100110111 that’s true, but a lot of these jobs are in restaurants, bars, or other businesses that are closed due to Corona.
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