Really loving Processing and HYPE.

Created this Image after a day's work. Here is 10x10 pixel block is an image of Mohanlal (An awesome actor from kerala).

I took the average color of each block and then matched it with the most dominant color of the sample images. And then drew the sample image onto that box.

Thanks Daniel Shiffman for the inspiration.

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    @shinoys Aliya , Ivideum Malayalio :D
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    Evideyum Elladathum malayali 😂😂😂
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    I thought about doing something like this but then asked myself:

    As a developer's perspective, i find this cool and I'd love to do it. But what if i showed it to someone who has no idea about coding. They'll probably think I'm dumb for being excited about producing poor photoshop effect.

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    @HoloDreamer Well for me , I don't care what others think, If I love what I do , then I'd damn well do it.
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