I am finally gonna learn git tomorrow (and the day after). I hope I'll still have some energy left for that after work..

  • 4
    Better late than never, I guess
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    If that doesn't seem to work, asking your team to employ git would probably be worth a shot
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    Do something hands on. Make sure you are forced into dealing with merge conflicts on sample learning repos BEFORE you are forced to resolve them in real projects.
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    I recommend doing a git kata, gets you going with the 20% of git you will use daily.
    For the specific things you can always consult SO or documentation/blog posts
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    @electrineer At work we're using TFS (for better or worse), so I never had a "business reason" so far except my own curiosity (and perhaps my CV).

    @xMadxHatterx It will be a 2x 3h workshop with assignments (within that time). I don't have the complete schedule in my head right now, so I'm not sure if that's part of it. But anyway good point and I'll force myself upon some afterwards.
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    @saucyatom btw, git is the default version control in TFS https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/...
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    For a kinder/gentler introduction,m you can try GitHub desktop.

    One of the downsides (or upsides depending your perspective) it will automatically stage everything, so watch out of that. you're tot including temporaries like results of build.
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    Welcome! Don't worry: you won't have any energy left, if you don't have a spare GUI client installed nor *really* helpful guide for Git.
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    @electrineer oh right, I think they changed that a few years ago. We're still on TFS 2012 though, formerly VSS.
  • 2
    @xMadxHatterx resolving merge conflicts: check
    (gitk only for visualization, all work is done on the git CLI)
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    here is a crash course:
    git pull
    git checkout -b "your ticket number"
    git add .
    git commit -m "describe what you changed"
    git push

    go to gitlab... create a merge request

    understand what those do and you're good to go for 95% of your days

    the other 5% you might need to fix a conflict, just do with with the other developer together and learn how they go through it.
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