
Why CMake is a steaming pile of dogshit

- Doesn't echo the command lines it is running making it hard to figure out what it is doing

- Dumps a bunch of crap all ovey my directory structure. And I thought NPM was bad

- Generates 'Makefiles' but only kinda uses Make? (I think, its confusing) WTF

At this rate I wish I could use just bash scripts. At least I could figure out why a simple thing like why my compilation fails to locate an include file even though Is is clearly specified in include_dirs() directive.

Get phucked, Cmake

  • 5
    1. Look for verbose options, they do exist.
    2. Build out of tree
    3. Ehm, yes. What is your problem here? If you prefer to build with Visual Studio, you can tell cmake that....
  • 1
    @sbiewald 1. Are you referring to --log-level? I'll have to try that. Though really, it should probably be the default.

    2. Ok I can see its much better to create a 'build' dir and run cmake from there. A warning would have been nice. Or maybe cmake should do that by default.

    3. I'm on MacOS and Linux so no VS here. On that point, would be nice if there was a standard way of doing things, at least in VS if the compiler couldn't find an incude file I would know where to fix that and could do it in 10 seconds intead of the several hours I have spent fighting CMake, but it seems like everyone does everything different. VS also has the nice feature of actually telling you what command are being invoked, by default.
  • 5
    Seems to me your rant is based on lack of knowledge.
  • 0
    1. I thought one can pass an argument to make.
    3. cmake is a "build file generator", where you can choose the type of the build file yourself. Possible ones are Makefile (multiple dialects), Visual Studio, Ninja, "Green Hills MULTI" (whatever that is) and Xcode.
    Check the documentation on how to use the different generators.
  • 0
    We all are fine with cmake tho
  • 0
    I dont like cmake, but it is basically because of the bizzare syntax for some functions. It is impossible to try and learn it properly.
  • 0
    Cmake is not too bad if used properly.
    But Ja, it still can get crazy
  • 0
    Ok here's one I don't quite get .. after I run cmake from build dir, it works fine with no erros. But that apparently after that, you run make, and the cmake 'abstraction' is still there because I am getting cmake errors when running make, which makes no sense.
  • 0
    @snoopy You are getting cmake errors while running make ? Or are you getting errors with the word CMAKE somewhere..!?
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