
Uhhh look at me I R node.js developer I R so smart I write Java Scripts on the backend uuuhhhhhh


  • 4
    📌 for when the drama starts.
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    Uh oh I so smart I judge what works best based on a language duuuhhh

    You make yourself stupid, kiddo.
  • 4
    @petergriffin Is JS really a language?
    Are the sounds of ape men a language?
  • 1
    @Lensflare an ape would use php, if you would even count it as „language“

    But correct, JavaScript is a flavor, EcmaScript is a great language and typescript makes it bulletproof. Well, if you’re not an ape that is.
  • 2
    ape together strong
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    @petergriffin I hear ape sounds. You want a banana?
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    In the company I work at, it's not allowed to start any new project with node for backend. i'm so fucken happy.
    IMO javascript is a noob language, it's ok to build something with it for personal use, but it's not maintainable.
    A lot of people wanted to build websites, they had to learn javascript, then they needed backend, and hey i already know javascript let's use that shit for backend.
    Let me not start about npm packages and all the security related issues....
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    @D3adCode what do you use ? no language is perfect, I still choose nodejs for some of the stuff on backened
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