Golang, I love you to death.

But I will have you know that unsuccessfully scouring the web for why my json config file wasn't being read into the struct followed by almost two hours of messing around with every little thing... And I discover that the fucking problem was my struct member names needed their first letters to be uppercase. Ridiculous.

Gotta love spending forever overthinking. The solution is often too simple!

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    Totally agree with you bro!!!
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    You need a good IDE. It will warn you about these things. Atom.io and VS code both have great golang plugins for this and much more.
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    @iguana using Sublime. I usually use Atom for web stuff. I'll start using it for go now too. Thanks!
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    @corscheid frankly I wasn't impressed with the go plugins for sublime when I tried it. Give atom a shot and see if it's better. Make sure you install all the plugins it recommends.
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