
So, this is how my Android teacher indents his braces. I'm not sure what to think of this.

  • 30
    It just got even worse
  • 11
    @g-m-f First day of this semester. Doesn't look good for me does it?
  • 20
    It also seems that he's alternating between using spaces and tabs for indentation..........................................
  • 7
    I feel dirty! πŸ’©
  • 9
  • 11
    @rusty-sj Ctrl+Alt+L in Android Studio if I remember correctly
  • 7
    JavaScript standards in Java. OH GOD NO!
  • 22
    I guess there are 3 kinds of people in this world..
  • 6
    @vortex Yeah, I thought 2 was enough to be honest
  • 3
    @RhysOC But this isn't even properly closed, too deep into the function.
  • 9
    My eyes are burning!! The humanity!
  • 5
    i don't get all the hate here , He's consistent, and that's frankly what matters
  • 5
    @Qchmqs I don't agree. The problem is that the way he does it will make it more difficult for everyone else to read. To be honest, you should stick to the code standards, would you break the way C# naming conventions are just because you've always done it differently?
    And in the end, he's only consistent with the braces. He's changing back and forth between tabs and spaces as well.
  • 4
    @Qchmqs Did you miss the part about alternating spaces and tabs? And, juuust for the record, consistently bad < inconsistently good
  • 2
    @AlgoRythm I'm on mobile so it's near impossible to tell spaces from tabs
  • 4
    At least you are you using KotlinπŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚
  • 3
    @Qchmqs No, you can't tell, but he said it in a comment.
  • 2
    @aaxa i just realised that all java i ever seen puts each bracket on a separate line, I'm no java guy anyway
  • 3
    At first i thought he came from a C/C++ background and its ok.... but then he would write closing braces with the same indentation as the start of the function
  • 2
    @M4R1KU Well, I have no grudges against Java at all. Kotlin is nice for a change, even though I find it a bit worse in readability
  • 3
    @RhysOC "Standards"
  • 7
    His place is somewhere in Dante's inferno.
  • 3
    Drop out
  • 2
    @adammoisa Almost done here mate. Only 10 months left
  • 3
    Uh, this is NOT how you should indent this shit. Holy fucking shit
  • 10
  • 1
    Oh man. I get that there are cool new toys and stuff, but if you are doing Android 101 start with Java.

    Hope you won't be graded on your indentation habits =D
  • 2
    @xios This is beginner Android course. It's expected people know relatively advanced Java, so Kotlin is actually not that bad :)
  • 1
    Normally I say to each their own... but this is just wrong.
  • 1
    theres nothing wrong with this indentation

    its completely structured

    the important thing is, that there IS an indentation style
  • 6
    I recognize this indentation style. Is your teachers initials AK?
  • 1
    Your teacher is an android?
  • 1
    sue him
  • 4
    @asdf It is πŸ˜‚ hahahaha
  • 1
    @Demiourgos He might be... Who knows
  • 1
    @ac1235 Read my comment a bit above yours. I simply don't agree :)
  • 1
    @deadlyRants i want to.curl into a ball and cry...
  • 2
    @aaxa gode gamle eguahlak. πŸ˜„
  • 2
    @asdf Oh yes πŸ˜‚
  • 1
    @vortex there are 11 kinds of people you mean?
  • 1
    @flag0 this joke is so 0b11111000110
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    @aaxa people connecting over a Java prof, classic.
  • 1
    @vortex if it works, why change it. 1990s works for me.
  • 3
    More of the same if you want. Can you spot the fail?
  • 2
    @aaxa i am not even angry. This guy is amazing!
  • 0
    <sarcasm>Like a boss.</sarcasm>
  • 0
    He has a huge problem
  • 0
    In its early days, the antlang language enforced this style of coding, you had to indent the closing "}" for the interpreter to be understood.
  • 0
    @ac1235 Didn't know that. Even though, that doesn't mean it should be applied to every language you write in
  • 0
    Do we have the same professor? Because mine does that and it gives me all kinds of indigestion. πŸ˜‘
  • 2
    @gameshark Haha I don't think so, this is in Denmark. But this guy has 26 years of programming experience, and yet he haven't got rid of this habit yet
  • 1
    Maybe he's a visionary, we are not ready to comprehend the pure nature of his style
  • 0
    Can someone explain what's wrong for me!!!!!
  • 1
    @sadjad his tabulation sucks
  • 0
    I hope teacher's compiler doesn't work.
  • 0
    @adammoisa what is tabulation?
  • 0
    He did good.
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