
Did you know “Agile” actually means “Never change code”?

Neither did I until I started working here haha help me

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    Well, there is some truth in that statement.

    Extreme programming is or used to be an agile option and it revolves around rewriting every new iteration.

    So never change, throw away and rebuild :P

    But i think its actually a bit more nuanced, and most likely should be practiced on the function or modular level, not project ;)

    And I guess thats not what you are referring to :P
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    Never change code... in the don't fix what's not broken sense? Or don't do a thing, ever, kind of sense?

    Which begs the question, what are you paid to do then?
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    Pretty sure it goes by:
    it works. Why change?
    It does not work. Lets work around it, and make it work anyway.
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    @C0D4 I had a colleague on my former job that hated to change code he had written and usually ended up either copy/pasting and changing the copy or wrapping the class in a new class adding or changing behavior.

    After he quit and I got to handle the code I found some very tangled code with many many layers and varieties of the same function.

    An object could go though 3-4 transformations adding data with no intermediate state ever used anywhere else.

    Massive amount of allocations, just because he did not like to change the class and original method.

    I think we generally reduced the code by more than half every time we had to fix something.

    Sometimes he had replaced 90 % of a classes methods with mew versions, sometimes multiple times, but never removed the old versions.

    I really understood why he also was very resistant to the idea of code reviews.

    And just for context, it was when we enforced code reviews and demanded he clean up his code that he quit.
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    @C0D4 More like, there is never the ability to refactor, we have some projects that have constant issues and bugs, but as they work 80% of the time, we have to leave them
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    @Voxera I think I've worked with that guy before, abstraction on abstraction and the odd this-thing_new() or this-thing_v_3() which calls the older methods anyway.

    Sometimes I wish I was paid by LOC to be able to enjoy making this kind of nonsense.
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    @C0D4 not likely, despite him being just a bit over 30 he is not very good at english and avoid all situations that would require him to speak it.

    But you have obviously met his twin ;)
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    Open for extension closed for modification
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    @Skuldul sounds like waterfall with extra steps
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