
alias cd='open http://itisamystery.com; cd'

We once tried to add in a sleep in there, so it would delay opening up the website for a few minutes, but it would cd immediately, as to not alert the victim to the trigger.

First time we tried it, it totally did not work as expected. He tried running npm install first thing, and it was like a fork bomb with all of these sleeping threads.

Comment below if you have a good fix! I'm no Linux ninja. Oh, I'd also like to know a good Linux version of this since open is a Mac thing.

  • 2
    I have alias open="xdg-open" in my .bashrc on linux.
    I never remembered xdg correctly. So much easier to just type open...
  • 1
    Hmm i don't have a mac but does open register on "ps aux"? If it does or really even if it doesn't you can do something like "ps aux | grep open | wc -l" to count how many are already open and run a check to make sure 20 or so isn't open. You could also search for the browser that is opened if it doesn't show in ps
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