
A company I worked with makes an "effective communication" class that every employee must follow.

Still, they cannot even communicate properly internally.

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    I worked at a company of 3k plus people, everyone had hours of "effective meetings" training.... the cost must have been incredible.

    Lesson 1 was to have an agenda for all meetings and available in the meeting invite before the meeting.

    I and one other guy were the only people who had agendas in their meeting invites or had agendas that were available to anyone at all... even the CEO and VPs didn't bother ...
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    @xxzer0 We are effectively communicating!
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    @N00bPancakes I know the feelz. I'm a very methodic guy and I like to make stuff in the right way, still sometimes I hit my head really hard against illogical behaviour from my colleague like the one you just mentioned.
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    @HiFiWiFiSciFi Omg, I can finally die in peace ✌️ or.... better!.... I can write on my resume I'm a communication leader and expert. Yes!
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