Do you ever cringe on the code you've written a few years before?
When I started as an intern in the same company I'm working for now, I was a solo dev on an internal tool.
It's web based and used for employee management.
I've cloned the repo to see how I did.
And to say the least, I wish I had an experienced dev to oversee me...
I'll never leave an intern unattended from now on if I know about them.

  • 8
    It's normal and a sign of growth
  • 11
    I sometimes cringe at code I’ve written minutes ago...
  • 8
    @100110111 I sometimes cringe about code I am about to write
  • 0
    Yup I've got a project I've worked on since 2017, few pieces are pretty old at this point.

    Still upset over some sections of the code but they work so leave it for now
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