
This happened when I was in the first semester of my study (I'm currently studying Computer Science).

Didn't understand anything, never learned to code before. My first "project" from my lecturer was to write a mini-journal together with two friends of mine (which weren't able to code either) about the link of VR use with the increase/decrease of the user's heart rate.
We didn't find any way to record the user's heart rate automatically and periodically. The deadline was getting closer but thankfully we found an android app that can be used to detect someone's heart rate with the user's finger pressed onto the camera. Sadly the app can't be used to record the data periodically (it can only show us the average heart rate). We told my lecturer (who is supossed to "guide" us here) about the problem and asked him for solutions.
He told us to "modify the .apk and connect it to a database".
At this point, we didn't even know how to make a database, let alone "modify the .apk".

In the end, we used an oximeter, recorded it, and listed the results manually. 😂

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