
Php is still a thing?

  • 9
    Oh yes and with the amount of existing php code it will be fore quite some time.
  • 9
    To be honest, PHP isn't going anywhere anytime soon. With the improved performance and security features that come with with PHP 7+ & all the popular PHP frameworks & Content Management Systems out there, it's only going to get even more popular.
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    PHP and Java are in the same boat. Everyone claims they're dying, but with the amount of legacy code written in both languages that still exists, there's gonna be demand for PHP and Java devs into the foreseeable future
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    @10Dev there are as many new projects getting built as the legacy ones getting maintained. Or more
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    // All the edgy new kids
  • 5
    What do you mean "still a thing" 😂
    No, your Blazor stack isn't going to be state of the art in the next 3 years lol
  • 3
    I smell a troll.
    Eh fuck it, not in the Mood for this one right now.
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    Honestly if it was not for Laravel, php was dead already.
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    Oh boy, you're picking a fight with the PHP crowd?!
  • 5
    Are you a professional dev? I only see edgy shit like this from dudes that have been 5 months in or do in the dev field
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    Yes it's still a thing, Professional PHP devs won't just become outdated suddenly, Ultimately, it's your choice to not use it if you don't want it, but, PHP will outlive us all.
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    @10Dev please tell me about that "why" from a subjective point of view concerning your professional development in the language. Outside of articles written by people that just don't like it the reasoning behind the "saddly" because PHP has made me a very wealthy developer and it has not once bite me in the ass in its usage out of how well I know it.

    I am really trying to understand the stigma, mind you, I started using this since version 4 and has seen the language evolve up until version 8. If I could deal with the caveats of the language, an item present on damn near ALL programming languages, then there must be good reason for that "saddly" other than hive mentality.

    I am happy to discuss this in an non-biased and properly formulated matter. I am also happy to bring about the repertoire of programming languages and technology stacks under my arsenal to this discussion.
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    @C0D4 its fucking tiring, like legit, specially when I read this coming from (A) "devs" that have never used it (B) devs that were forced to use it instead of X and were to unbothered to learn it properly to make a proper topic of discussion and (C) devs that were proficient in another language and then were surprised about PHP not being similar to what they use, none of this makes any sense eventually to me, a language is a language, and for web there really is nothing better than PHP, albeit I would say that Go might be reaching that future point, in terms of going from idea to implementation.

    but fuck it, "evEee" wrote a very biased article concerning why he dislikes it and everyone goes from it.
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    Can't argue there.

    So many years and so many advances,
    It's not a language for the lazy dev, despite the mass of devs that seem to use it.

    It's hard to do great things, and easy to create a time bomb that will go off in your face at some point for the ill informed or "I can't be fucked cause Reddit said it was bad" devs.

    And yet, it's one of a few languages that's actually stood up to the test of
    time and continues to be a fully fledge offering with or without frameworks.

    But whatevs, my wallet thanks php like yours, it's just a language you have to be careful with, and given today's standards in development, no one seems to write a 1 liner anymore if
    they can import it from somewhere else 🤷‍♂️

    Call me old fashioned but I prefer to know what the fuck my applications are doing with minimal dependencies.
  • 3
    @C0D4 I view PHP in the same scenery that I do C and C++. Outstanding languages, with full features needed to do their biding. But if you put them in the hands of an idiot then they will create bullshit, the same can be said of JS.

    At work I am changing requirements for our new employees since we use primarily PHP, no hardcore experience? No prob, you will face my trials and if you can't wield it properly then bye. PHP is not for newbs as much as people make it out to be, but for those that venture it will give them full venture into EVERYTHING web based.
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    Most of programmers are death cult followers by heart. They're obsessed with death and actively preaching that "death is near".
  • 3
    Waiting to get old to be able to hear things like "Is JS still a thing?" and I will explain them why I love it while they create AI in one-liner.
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    Yeah, I think it’s mostly a legacy thing. Migrating a PHP or Java code base to something else is much more taxing than maintaining it. Let’s revisit this question in 10 years.
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    We humans haven't killed each other yet.

    And we're pretty good and nifty at murdering. And creating weapons of mass destruction.

    And we're not dead yet, despite it being sometimes very close.

    So why should any programming language die if we humans aren't dead yet....
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    @IntrusionCM You're already dead, and what you see now is an illusion by a highly engineered machinery created long time ago before earth mass destruction because of global black out. We are under a digital singularity, waiting for earth restoration to be awake again. You just don't know it yet. I'm a rebel to current digital government so please don't spread this fact.
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    I think someone should have taken the blue pill @imaji 👀
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    Compared to classic asp yes
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    @ezequielperez sometimes I wish Microsoft would have continued to add features to VBScript in order to make ASP development a strong contender against php. I don't know why, but I really liked working with Classic ASP, finding gotchas in that stuff made me appreciate so much more everything else that we have.
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    @AleCx04 imagine working in VBScreept 2021

    On Error Resume Next
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    @ezequielperez last time I worked with it was 2017.

    The highest paying dev job I've ever had.

    I love legacy shit :P one gets to charge a lot, in exchange of sanity that is.
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    @AleCx04 You absolutely got a point there
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