
Who annoys you most while writing code?

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    the setup and distribution of a project
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    Dealing with other people's code
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    @YADU yeah this is the real pain
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    Dealing with project managers constantly change the requirements every 24 hours and expect to complete fast.
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    @YADU especially juniors who code like this

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    @johnmelodyme god please split that up into multiple functions
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    My imaginary girlfriend
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    Being asked when will I finish and the fact that everything is urgent
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    Me who just keep trying to sit here and there
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    My mum. She randomly throws maths questions at me. I’m coding away, in the zone and “what’s 48 + 13?” What? Why? Why you want to know now? “It’s for my knitting, can you remember 48 for me?” What no? I’m busy!
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    @bashleigh my mom also comes to me and asks to show her phone number. Because she cant read english.
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    @bashleigh "Hey dear, what's the second zero value in f(x):=3x²+7x³-9x ?"
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    Managers going "So what's the update? Have we fixed it yet?" ...every 5 minutes.
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    The a-holes who bump my chair walking behind me. What is this, high school?
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    @qviper dude I hate it lol I dislike going full server admin mode and setting up dev environments, I hate then going full devops to replicate those environments and then I dislike figuring out the issues that some users have with using the program in question, while most of these items are internal and not facing the outside world one could just put everything in a web application that is made for internal use to the organization, but still, I dislike the process.

    This is why language stacks like the ones provided by go and rust are imho a gift from the programming gods.
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    Open spaces, noisy people and micromanagers
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    Broken coffee machine
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    Working from home so it would have to be the dog wanting attention / be walked and people who send messages and expect a response right away / expect i can hold a conversation.
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    Dealing with QA's that reports software features as bugs
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