
I had a nightmare where the PHP elephant was charging to attack me... nothing like the friendly Postgres elephant.

  • 10
    see, this is what happens when you ever talk shit about PHP. Eventually, Ganesha in all of his glory will come down for you.

    Watch it haters, even if the disciples are not around, eventually, our god will find you.
  • 0
    Not yet a nightmare before that cute but barbaric apache hadoop elephant comes... 😱
  • 5
    Deploy the Linux Penguin
  • 1
    @theabbie if Gotham taught us anything it's that penguins can be scary.
  • 2
    With Rust having a crustacean, Go with the gopher... I feel like JS should have something. Maybe a tapeworm, or a maggot?
  • 3
    @hjk101 Not as scary as the official Java mascot... duke is terrifying.
  • 2
    @bittersweet JS should use kangaroo, cute until you've got kicked...
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    @imaji @bittersweet I vote for a spider because JS knits the web 😝
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    @eo2875 ...And waiting for its prey being trapped... 🤭
  • 0
    @bittersweet look up the mascott for purple js, it is not better than duke
  • 1
    Imagine those elephants are drinking Coffee (Java) while talking to a Phoenix(elixir) while giving each other Ruby hahahaha .... Hahahaha
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