
my sleep issues are getting out of hand. i have insomnia and sleep apnea, and materials for my APAP are expensive and nothing that won't fuck up my brain over time (i.e. any sleep aid that isn't melatonin, pretty much all of them make you lose brain matter density over time, and melatonin does jack shit) is strong enough to knock me out. at this point i'm getting one 5AM-4PM sleep cycle a week. i can't exactly fix it as i'm expected to be awake and present during the day, so i'm stuck sucking down caffeine all week during the day to try and be awake for 8 hours. i'm not even employed, so it's sitting and doing fuck all during that time.

goddammit why do i have to go through this shit

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    i've tried setting a complex alarm across the room with an open curtain throwing light onto my face at the same time, and every time i'll wake up at 4PM with a solved math problem, a phone now on silent and a closed curtain. sleep meds carry too high a risk of causing nasty shit to really use, and when i do take them, they do basically nothing anyway. i can't have someone literally drag me out of bed every 5 minutes because the only other person in the house is employed 6AM-4PM. i can hold coherent, complex conversations without actually waking up.

    any other suggestions?
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    You tried seeing a doctor yet?
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    I don't know your situation but how about sleeping when sleepy and staying awake when you naturally would?
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    You must find a way to chill out, i had the same issues it was due to an excess of interiorised emotions, had to out some of them and let go of others
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    @electrineer this would work, if the "i feel sleepy" moments weren't about 5 minutes long, which causes issues with both insomnia and mostly happening in the daytime. Those bounds also conflict, as my natural rhythm is usually 3AM-hopefully 8 hours later.
    @Hazarth i can't afforf a doctor's visit, possible sleep study, then if that happens, a second doctor's visit. Even the initial visit would be expensive, as a sleep doctor's a specialist and i'd need a referral.
    @workabit that doesn't seem to be the case for me, and even if it were, it wouldn't really be that simple.
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    You need some medical marijuana. I smoke it for insomnia and eye strain. 10/10 would recommend. Very effective, my eyes relax and I'm more open to sleeping. No side effects.
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    @natesymer uh... not legal in my state.
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