
Everyday I go on Reddit to find memes, and share it with my girlfriend. Maybe I should build a website for this?

  • 12
    Isn't that... I don't... why would...
  • 5
    nah start making original memes specially for your girlfriend. That way you show her how special she is for you. 😍

    Also don't share memes to her if it's your way to compensate your low self-esteem because your parents only loved you for behaving and doing good grades in school. YOU ARE ALLRIGHT! 👍😉😊
  • 0
    @heyheni that last paragraph - hunh?
  • 2
    But, does she?
  • 2
    So um, 9gag?
    The Babylon Bee?
    Chicken Noodle News?
  • 2
    I can feel you. I also do the same thing. But with one exception, I don't have girlfriend.
  • 1
    @heyheni I’m too lazy to make my own meme, I just want to share happiness with her
  • 1
    @Root I mean yeah I guess, I just have so many of the piled up in my phone and I think, well if it makes me happy, why not let more people feel it
  • 1
    @Root Saturday Night Live?
  • 0
    No, but go for it
  • 1
    @electrineer you are giving me mixed message here
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