Fucking retards littering my code review.
I had posted some important questions in my comment (essential in order for the code review to move forward) and this asshole posted some stupid out of context meta crap comments no way related to the subject of the review pushing my questions out to the point that a lot of scrolling is needed to see them. Now I need to get everyone’s attention back to the point that matters. Why does this happen to me ? This actually happens quite a lot with other forums as well. Trash mouths going off topic.

  • 3
    You know the problem is that most people don't take code reviews seriously, and companies punish good developers like us for being attentive and pedantic, instead of rewarding us
  • 3
    Code review is one of the majorly underrated tasks in development. It solves most of communication, collaboration, handover, and clarity concerns in a project.
  • 2
    @donozone man oh man i agree, imho if you dont have external eyes you dont know the level of dev you have. Last company i discovered a lets say massive $ error only to be termd bc the outsourced dev company and vp where defrauding the corp. Code review would have solved this but was actively blocked and the ceo didnt trust the new dev cuz of fear of sabotage placed in him by said individuals. Sux getting hit by a bus. I really need to get my eyesight checked everytime i cross the street that damn bus is aiming for me.
  • 3
    Ah this reminds me of searching for problems online.
    You find someone that has the same problem and has posted it on a forum. There are some posts asking for details etc. and suddenly some asshole is writing "Hey, I have another problem. Here it is: ... Please help me!"
    I can’t express the hate I have for those bastards that are trying to move the focus away to THEIR problem in foreign threads.
  • 1
    Just say thanks for that but could you please just answer
    <Copy paste>
    So we can move forward...
  • 0
    Everyone knows PRs have one purpose, to share the blame when a bug gets pushed to prod.

    It protects us from management because they would need to fire the sr as well as the jr that wrote it.
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