
Google #wtf is wrong with you 😕

  • 10
    I guess there are many people that doesn't want a spy on there PCs
  • 7
    I googled '#wtf is wrong with you 😕'.
    What should I see?
  • 3
    @J4s0n Say that to Google
  • 3
    @J4s0n please stop reading the lies. No one gives a fuck about you enough to spy on you. No offense.
  • 2
    The suggestions are personalised, just as the search results. So it's more a reflection on you and your browsing history that Google's opinion ;)
  • 4
    I don't get why you're shocked.

    We remove cortana because it's clutter on the task bar.
    People will want to know how to disable Windows defender when they install their own antivirus.
    I don't know what xbox 'dv' is.

    Anylne that is actually concerned wouldn't be using Windows in the first place.
  • 2
    @ScribeOfGoD if you are so confident, open all the ports on your machine and save your passwords in a file called passwords in plain text.

    Change your servers password to "password".

    Lets see how confident you are in your statemet
  • 0
    I love Microsoft and never wanna disable any product of them 😍
    they are so good and genres for example look at Visualstudio and visualstudio code , ms sql , azure and other developing tools
    without them I could not be a programmer or developer as I am.
    so fuck Google because of there illiberality
  • 0
    @ScribeOfGoD no offense but sometimes the possibility is enough.
  • 1
    @mehdiMj I love vs code but visual studio it self isn't my ide
  • 1
    I like Windows defender 😮
  • 0
    @rusty-hacker that has no relevance to the OP's picture. And even if I did, they wouldn't be hacking me specifically, they'd just be hacking me because their bots were successful among the thousands of other computers they tried 😋
  • 0
    @diyre dude , look at the search bar
    "how to disable " and Google auto complete 😕
  • 0
    I was just joking.
    Anyway you realise that it's not actually Google, as a person or an entity, that is suggesting these, right? Either your autocomplete is personalised by your search history or you simply just got what other people searched for the most.
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