This thing really got me laughing.

  • 4
    been there, done that...

    but then 2 problems also turned into 0 problems once solved so... worth it
  • 1
    Sometimes the new problem solves the earlier one, though... :/
  • 3
    For me it always seems to end with a recursive project death spiral of doom until I finally give up and do something else
  • 0
    I can fix both problems through automation, but automating them would take twice as long as just doing them by hand
  • 0
    Lol. Happens.
  • 1
    @10Dev Automation produces problems too. So it's like "problemception", could be?
  • 2
    Good old days when we could post images
  • 0


    Cost analysis should be taught since elementary, especially that time is a valuable resource too.
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