
Worst IDE you've worked with? Mine is xcode

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    Eclipse for Android Development...**shudders**
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    Eclipse for general developing is a fucking mess
    Not only for Android development
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    Eclipse. And the build in "IDE" for VBA. It displayed a popup error every time something was wrong in the code. Every. Freaking. Time. Even when you just tried to C&P some code.
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    For me its gonna be Atom.
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    @nblackburn forgot about that shit. My goddd
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    @PocKeT Probably for the best
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    Keil uVison
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    Borland C 👴👵
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    Eclipse, really didn't get on with it
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    I remember "installing" Eclipse once. Promptly removed it and picked up web development instead.
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    @devRat Atom is not an IDE, it's a highly featured text editor. That's probably controversial but syntax highlighting doesn't make a program an IDE.
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    BlueJ... We had to use it in school.
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    @bdhobare Please don't bring the nightmares back 👻
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    Notepad ++
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    @sylar Don't get me wrong, Notepad++ is awesome. But as @samk stated, it is not an IDE
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    @TangChr ive left off the "😂" to make it clear its a joke
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    Turbo C
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    ... and Eclipse
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    Eclipse, but worse an IBM skinned eclipse, IBM rational application developer/ment? (RAD)
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    IDE in general are shit, but sometimes you can't avoid them. Xcode is better than android studio.
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    Visual Studio... :)
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    I just wanna say how much I'm enjoying the Eclipse hatred here. I mean I thought it sucked but I've really only used it and visual studio, everything else has been code editors. u get jet brains ReSharper in visual studio, life is sweet. but eclipse, I just don't get. it just seems in the way to me when doing java.
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    Eclipse and DrJava (forced to use in school)
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    The one I tried to build myself... :-(
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    Doubleclick in a line creates a breakpoint instead of selecting the word
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    Turbo Pascal :D
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    Android studio.

    (Not starting a platform war though)
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    Xcode, period. It lags, it hangs, ans only apple fanboys will say its the best IDE ever, period2.
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    Visual Basic editor on a MacBook!
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    @Revenger xcode is not bad. Eclipse on the other hand gives me shivers. I installed once for about 8 hours.
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    Also Excel's built in VBA IDE.
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    Xcode and netBeans
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    PowerBuilder 😵
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    Why? You can save lots of money on heating cuz of its recent feature, they call "Indexing" :D
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    @iakar i would recommend eclipse ONLY for learning java, nothing else. Then when you want to go to next level you ditch that and go for intellij.
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    Eclipse and Visual Studio Code (that cross platform thing)
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    @SoftDev Was wondering if I'd see my favourite editor in the comments (NetBeans) :P
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    @linuxxx Yeah here are also few of my favorites :D It is really matter of what you are used to or whether you've had bad experiences. For me netbeans had some bad cases with highlighting syntax errors (which werent errors). For example i've had good experiences with eclipse nothing against it.
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    @Flarp Notepad is not an IDE tho
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    I'd almost want to nominate VS2015, at least on initial setup.... Damn that takes a long while, after that it's great.
    Otherwise Eclipse for sure, complete mess.
    Can't say I've used Xcode since I'm on Windows.
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    I see many answers about Eclipse and no Netbeans.
    I like that.
    Then I think genius or retard?
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    @BlackMagic Live reload is coming in version 9 😂
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    @Revenger Fanboy here
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    Arduino IDE....
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    XCode - It's slow and buggy.
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    @expressions This thread is more than year old now Jesus Christ how did you even manage to find it??!?

    Welcome to devRant!
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    XCode definitely, it is just a little more than notepad, Intellisense is too slow or not working sometimes, code blocks are not collapsible, you can't find where you are, hovering curly braces. Variable debug watching are a nightmare. It is not eligible for extensions.

    I'm using VS IDE for years, It is perfect with comparison to xCode.
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    Oracle JDeveloper and XCode
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