
I hate fanboys. If ANYBODY is saying something against "their" company, they get upset and argue about it like little children. If your technology is shit, if your browser sucks, if your phone explodes, if your OS is slow, just admit it. I can't stand these fuckers thinking they have to defend themselves just cause a company released a shit product...

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    Linux/Windows/Apple/Samsung/MacOS fanboys in a nutshell
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    @filthyranter except my windows desktop isn't slow, my galaxy s 7 isn't slow. It's only slow for those that don't understand their own technology :p
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    It's called pride. I have been guilty of this in the past. But I'm usually able to easily admit when my favorite company's stuff is shit *cough* Microsoft *cough*.
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    No favorite company... Just like the best quality in function of the coast. But i hate Apple fanboys... They brag a little 'too' much, don't mind linux fanboys thaught and sont hive a shit about windows fanboys lol.
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    @sam0 I don't hate Apple but they and their fanboys are arrogant.
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    @ScribeOfGoD My Windows desktop works fine, too.
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    I will always come to the defense of Nintendo, no matter how bad some of their business practices are 👻
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    I've been learning to be way more objective in these discussions. If one tool is better than another, objectively, why would I want to fight and stay with my old solution??
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