90's programmer used to code in turbo
C and ms-dos. Nowadays ide also make us frustrated sometimes.

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    Talk about yourself
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    I remember getting excited in the late 80s learning about nth-generation languages eventually making things more and more abstract and reusable. This meme is double edged in that it portrays the trivialities we can now focus on because the libraries exist to make it possible not to have to build everything heavyweight from scratch. But by the same token, fewer people know how to build everything heavyweight from scratch.
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    at my school everybody works on vim
    i suppose thats why we had to make a 3d engine as our 5th assignement
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    I still think we had it *easier* in the 90s. C and C++ were *the* mainstream languages, there weren't 20 different ones in common use that might pop up anywhere. Didn't have to learn any version control software, QT was the only graphics framework worth knowing, web stuff was just a curiosity, containerisation didn't exist...

    Sure, you had to know your stuff well, but there was way less stuff overall to learn.
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    @AlmondSauce hardware were also less complicated back then which made them much more hackable/modifiable
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    Modern problems requires modern solutions. Every generations have their own complexity.
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    Embedded C developer here: A simple "OS", a cooperative task switcher, is very easy and simpler as anything in HTML. Even when you had to add timers, message queue and locks it is still simple. There is no MMU on the controller which makes it simpler than a kernel for a PC.

    HTML in the other hand is a mess and it is hard to understand what happens in the background, you have to deal with a server on a OS, TCP-sockets, browsers, browser caching and many other things.
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