
What theme do you use?
1. Light
2. Dark

How often do you get a headache?
1. Once a month
2. Once a week
3. Once a day

What other factors do you think is causing you headaches?

  • 1
    1. Dark
    2. Every day
    3. My second half
  • 2
    Light during the day and dark during the night. It works well that way for some reason.

    I get headaches infrequently probably because of lack of caffeine.
  • 2
    1. Light

    2. Almost never except when I skip lunch/dinner. Have good distance between your eyes and monitor. Drink lot of water. Keep on munching small quantity. I sleep almost 9 hours everyday.
  • 1
    1. Dark
    2. Once a month?
    3. Outward squint and "I have this app idea but no budget"

    (And desk ergonomy tier: Bag of sand with a corckscrew neck)
  • 0
    I don't get headaches, maybe a few per year, but I DO get 'silent migraines' aka 'migrainal auras' probably once a month... which make it pretty much impossible to work. Still see the damn thing even if I shut my right eye.

    Use combination of blue blocking computer glasses and keep the room dark and the brightness down (but contrast up) and use dark mode to combat it. Spend a solid 60 a week at my station.

    Most of my headache comes from trying to raise children through the fall of democracy globally.
  • 0
    1. Dark
    2. 2-3 times a week
    3. Family trying to reach me
  • 0
    I never really bother changing the mode of my IDE/Editor.

    For pycharm default is light, and for vscode it's dark, been using both extensively for a year now.

    Never got headaches.

    But in my opinion light mode is better. and more gentle on your eyes.
  • 0
    - Light theme + f.lux + adjusting screen brightness
    - Headache like 3-4 times a month
    - Coffein withdrawal (no caffeine for me :), insufficient sleep or forgetting to eat
  • 0
    @SuspiciousBug f.lux is still a thing 😮
  • 0
    @TRex just wait until I tell you about my geforce gtx 460 and my logitech G13 ♥️
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  • 0
    1. Dark theme. Black-pitch theme.
    2. My life is a constant headache.
    3. My 2 careers and my 3 jobs.
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