
We got an assignment to build our own website (with HTML, CSS and JS) a few months ago. Now guess who's been procrastinating for around 3 months and has to do it in one day now.

Does anyone have tips on how to avoid procrastination?

  • 5
    Go to the past and slap yourself.
  • 4
    I'll think of one tomorrow.
  • 2
    Think about why those other things are more important than what's on your agenda and either change that or make those tasks more valuable.

    JK, just get your ass to work instead of browsing memes 18 hours a day for fucks sake
  • 1
    I'm also a lazy procrastinator, but there are a few things, which recently helped me (it might not help you, but it helped me better than some stupid motivational videos on the internet):

    I installed a Detox app on my phone, which is actually quite adequate for my needs, because I have to pay, if I want to exit the detox session.

    I started with smaller amounts and now I sometimes put it on 2-3 days straight.

    I started to write down on paper (and not on electronic device) my thoughts and weekly agenda, tasks, etc. Helps me materialize the smaller sub-tasks and get an overview about the next steps. I do some brainstorming sessions about next week's targets and tasks every weekend now.
  • 1
    @Lasoloz sounds pretty good. I'll try that, thanks :)
  • 0
    @venhvu Oh, I heard about dopamine detox. Sounds pretty interesting, I'll into it :)
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