
Messing with three.js library. Now imagine I have a letter in 3D, from which I removed all the faces and replaced vertices with white dots (plexus effect), and all around are like thousands of dots. Now I wanted to put single sprite somewhere on that letter. So I wrote a short script doing that. Fast forward an hour. I am figuring out, why the FPS significantly dropped to like 0.5 fps or what. Checking various browsers, even downscaling image from 512x512 sprite to 64x64, checking whole stackoverflow why is just one fucking sprite causing a lot of trouble and such an fps drop. Trying everything except... I wrote that function inside loop rendering those thousands dots all around. Lol my computer almost catched in fire rendering that shit.

Must to say, in chrome it had 0.5fps, mozilla had around 15-20 fps which is A LOT better.

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