
What's with all the people having so much issues with Windows? I often see posts about freezes, crashing and updates. I'm starting to feel like I'm the only one who never has any issues.

  • 14
    Same here. Although I don't use Windows 10, so that might have something to do with it.
  • 2
    Everything worked perfectly for me until Windows 10 destroyed itself and other partitions with an update to the point it won't even boot anymore on my desktop.
    Now I'm running Win7 with the clock always showing the wrong time for some reason...

    Just be happy it still works for you.
  • 1
    Same here. 👍 Win10 Insider Preview, no crash since release.
  • 4
    i just have the normal windows 10 and no issues, no crashes or freezes or anything either.
  • 0
    My own laptop no problems, 2 crashes of drivers.
    Win 7 on work though... God damn piece of shit
  • 5
    dont forget that no one writes a !rant about how nice and flawless their windows runs. its devRant, you will see the ppl who have problems with windows, not the other 997 of 1000 who are happy with it :-)
  • 0
    No major problems on W10 either. However, it did restart my machine a couple times while I was doing somethibg to install updates. I wish I had more control on update behaviour.
  • 3
    If you don't have problems with windows, you either never relied on it or you don't use it seriously. Whenever I needed windows the most, It would either crash my sw with no error message or restart for automatic updates when I fucking needed it to be up all night. Fuck windows, seriously. That is fucking unaceptable. What makes me even more upset, is that windows made you feel like mediocre is acceptable, that it's OK to crash sometimes and you don't even see it as a problem.
  • 6
    @magusd what a dumb fucking statement, ive been developing on windows since xp in several languages and never have i ever had such problems. Perhaps you should make sure the shit you use is stable before you blame the OS. People like you piss me off :/ i think linux is equally beautiful in its own way so im not saying that as a windows fanboy.

    Windows will notify you if it had updates pending just dont be dumb and ignore them, theres setting for that.
  • 3
    So what is the better alternative?
    Linux with it's many choices for everything, where each solution is incompatible with the others and has its own issues - sometimes blocking?
    OSX - the "I know better than you what you need" style?

    I'm not saying Windows is perfect, far from it. It does need a higher degree of consistency in its UI right now, it does need a better way to install software, it does need easier way to control some of its behavior and many more.
    However, Windows is a good compromise between what you need and what you have to do to get that.
  • 0
    @SnafuAI for just how long have you used each OS? That seems like a very shallow complaint, like the ones from people who just read about other people complaining.
    I've used windows my whole life, switched to Linux when I got serious about programming and to OSX when I got a little extra money.
    It's not about Linux or osx, it's about !windows
  • 0
    @Eqb8 yeah, and osx is the one who people blame for knowing better what I'm supposed to do. It's my fucking computer and I update it whenever the fuck I want.
    Dumb statement, says the guy telling me to use stable shit when the fucking OS isn't.
    Take a nap now man, you need to restart to understand what I just fucking told ya
  • 0
    @magusd I update windows when I want as there is an option for that.

    It's almost as if only people that hate windows expected it to be this magic os that you don't need to set up for your needs and it should predict what you want and work in that way without any maintenance.

    And the reverse thing goes for linux where everyone expected some maintenance needed and no one bitches about it.

    I'm not talking at all about that jail closed os for now xD
  • 1
    I had the least experience with OSX - I tried working on an iOS project with some friends but bounced off because I just couldn't use the bloody operating system.

    With Linux - I had a Gentoo desktop at work for almost 4 years. I learned a lot using it, but at the same time I encountered a lot of issues. That was a while ago. I came back to Linux on the desktop a couple of times but only managed to use it for 2-3 months before going back to Windows.
    Recently I tried Linux again on a new laptop. What do you know - power management doesn't really work properly so no sleep mode, the video drivers have issues and sound is choppy at times.

    That being said, I use Linux servers a lot and I wouldn't change that. However, for desktop use it's Windows.
  • 1
    Linux users have more problems with Windows then windows users themselves
  • 2
    @tahnik I use both Linux for work and Windows 10 for gaming. It runs smooth for ages.
  • 0
    Win10 for my crashed twice, once on automatic repair loop (asus) and the second time BSD not detected. Cmd method can't repair it. I had to change our my hard disk manually. Not sure if clean installing it caused it problem tho..
  • 0
    @yoreum sounds more like a faulty hdd then os but what do i know, what did you do to make it enter a automatic repair in the first place?
  • 0
    @Eqb8 actually, nothing. I was coding on it previously, so I switched it off to head to bed. The next morning when I switched it on, it went into its automatic repair loop and I can't save it anymore
  • 0
    @yoreum Well, sounds really strange. Microsoft is far from perfect but I don't really see how it would ruin a hdd just overnight like that :/ hope it worked out for you tough.
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