
You need 15 reputation to vote
You need 50 reputation to comment

I understand the need for strict moderation but sometimes stackoverflow just needs to chill for a bit.

  • 10
    You don't need that on devRant to vote or comment, so why is this tagged with devrant?
  • 4
    I get wanting to restrict voting to stop new accounts spamming upvotes on each other, but I've never understood the reason for not allowing people to comment from the get go. Makes no sense.
  • 4
    @AlmondSauce maybe spammer protection? Idk.
  • 1
    @electrineer That's what they claim, but I don't see it personally given you can post (much more prominent) questions from the get go.
  • 0
    @AlmondSauce that's the point, a spam question is noticed more likely. You won't get cumulating spam comments on old questions like you do on old rants on devrant.
  • 4
    There are so many posts crying about Stackoverflow, Yes, it's strict, and that's necessary. It is an online treasure and needs to be protected from low quality stuff.
  • 1
    @theabbie exactly.

    @Anakata also, it is pretty easy to earn points on stack exchange sites. Just post a proper good question and with a couple of upvotes you'll be good
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