
So Yay just asked me to replace pulseaudio with pipewire. I was hesitant because I have meetings to attend and I don't want to have to fuck around with my audio config once again.
But it simply works.
PipeWire can replace pulseaudio simply by uninstalling pulse and installing pipewire-pulse.
Next I'll see if it can replace JACK as easily. If so, if I no longer have to juggle two fundamentally incompatible audio servers to do audio processing, then FOSS has just solved one of the greatest obstacles in its path to reach feature parity and performance superiority to Windows.

  • 0
    So what was the result?
  • 3
    @iiii So far JACK also works, but I can't be too sure because it had a tendency to break unexpectedly - although that might be because I had a set of 4th party scripts to wire ALSA into Pulse and Pulse into JACK.
  • 5
    @iiii In total PipeWire makes probably months of labour redundant in the form of compatibility scripts between audio servers and compatibility scripts between compatibility scripts.
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    @homo-lorens it may be a total off-top, but do you by any chance use a single Jack input for mic+headphones? I've been trying to get my head around it for months now but nothing seems to work for me
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    @dontPanic talking about arch obv
  • 2
    @dontPanic No, I don't really use my mic with jack at all. Previously when using it with Pulse the connector script exposed the default Pulse input/output devices as a single Jack device but I never really figured out why.
  • 1
    After thorough stress tests using a variety of DAWs I can conclude that PipeWire works.

    Ladies and gentlemen, Linux Audio is solved.
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