
It's 2021 and I'm still pretty much never willing to pay for software. I hunt and scour looking for free plans or ways around paid plans. Trials are good.

I've even searched "warez".

And the funny thing is, I'm not cheap, I'm jealous.

  • 4
    I've grown up a bit and can finally afford to pay for the software I find useful.

    Plus i find loads of value in cloud services, dropbox is magic to me, so is the Microsoft365 subscription. You get an insane amount of stuff for almost nothing.
  • 3
    What do you even need or want to use at this point that isn't OSS
  • 4
    @electrineer What? Again, I'm a grown up and need proper software. I need Adobe and Office and Dropbox.

    My time is far too valuable and i can afford 10 bucks for rock solid platforms, integrations and tech support.

    You're not going to stay in business if you ask your clients to open their documents in Gimp wrestle with Nextcloud or Libre Office..which are all garbage.
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    @AtuM @intromatt @electrineer

    It's not like I said this was a good thing.

    But yeah, lots of value out there. Or stupidity?

    I'll just give an example. I needed an online sql relationship software for one simple project I'm doing. I've never found myself in need of one for more than a day or two, then I export it and it's over. Why would I pay monthly for something I need for a day.

    Shit like that. Maybe that's more of an indication of that industry as a whole not giving a shit about people like me who take advantage, but instead, realize, that their stupid prices ($3000 a year in one case) are super targeted (and no idea if successfully) for a B2B .

    It's a write off I guess. I dunno. But I' m still in that frame set of "well like, I dont need you monthly, I need you now, why would I pay?" And I CAN afford it, it's just, i don't know, principle? They fucked up their pricing and I'm not going to be charitable?
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    @AtuM Exactly, many have very generous trials that even include tech support and migration and onboarding assistance. If you see value, please pay for it.

    Nothing more fucking cringeworthy than a developer who steals software.
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