That moment when you realize that writing “that moment when...” is because you’re too passive and insecure to just say what you really want to say...

  • 4
    That moment when this should be in the joke/meme category.


    This should be in the joke/meme category.

    Not much difference, is there.
  • 2
    That moment you realise your in this comment section, rambling on with no added value, but... can't stop yourself from continuing and you as the reader are still here somehow lost in my nonsense, so hi, if you are still here. I too have no idea what I was doing here either anymore.
  • 1
    That moment when you realize that that moment actually was that moment that was the one moment for posting a dick pic and you totally missed it...
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    @electrineer It’s a rant. 💯
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    @sheriffderek that moment when it's not
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    @electrineer That moment when you’re public ally frustrated and ranting about it - but someone else thinks its a ‘meme’
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