
The moment when you are tasked with finding a new person to your team for the lower position than yours and you check the going monthly rates on the job market just to realize that they are higher than yours is.

  • 5
    renegotiate your salery? You do computer vision stuff that ought to be a high paying job. You may be want to start learning german and search a semi remote job in Berlins tech start up scene.

    On a side note. I can't get my head around that the average income in eastern poland is only 450€ a month. in the middle of europe.
  • 1
    OUCH! 😱
  • 9
    Hire yourself to the position
  • 0
    @electrineer Machiavellian πŸ‘
  • 2
    @rutee07 do you like mine? I’m an invisible man with a green aura, so it’s hard to see them
  • 3
    when i was about 6 months into my full time job, they hired an intern from a uni that had somewhat better reputation than where i studied. he was a bit talkative and gave away the package he was offered if he joined full time. it was twice what i was getting paid. he just talked shit about how the offer was too little and quit after one month.
  • 4
    @brown he’s all show and no go. He might have an easier time getting jobs than keeping them...until negative reference and background checks catch up with former employers giving grim warnings about his performance. Then he’ll either have to get real development skills or suffer
  • 1
    @d-fanelli and nearly an year and half later they gave me a raise that matched that guys initial offer. i am still confused on how to feel about thatπŸ˜„
  • 1
    Meh - i wouldn't care about it unless it's like 30% more. But still i would wait until next performance meeting
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