

Just how long would it take to put a simple spa web app on Google play.

Any pitfalls I should watch out for?

  • 3
    Well, if you have to make it an spa, make it offlineable
  • 15
    that depends on the booking.com rating of that Spa
  • 2
    Are you asking just about the google play process? Like 3 hours max. Set up account, make the package and sign it, command are out there not too hard, upload and publish it. Reviews for google are not really rigorous, just looking for malware I think. And you have to make app icons and screenshots. Nbd but yea.
  • 0
    @heyheni where is that
  • 1
    @jeeper ok so 3 hours means 6 (at least for me) which is fine. Thanks!
  • 2
    Way too broad a question to even consider estimating.

    How many "panels" or "views" in this SPA. We would call these "pages" but we're being fancy mother fuckers.

    Does it need user Auth? Do we need to (undoubtedly) connect to some over complicated 3rd party rest service to authenticate and get user permissions?

    How retarded is the client? Like Rain Man or Like What's Eating Gilbert Grape?

    Do you have a needs assessment?

    Do you have a requirements document?

    Do you have an estimate? Signed work order?

    Like... I could put, for instance, a QR reader app together this afternoon, submit it to Google Play this evening, and have it live by next week...

    Or alternately, I have an SPA I'm working on rn that's due in August after like 700 hours work.

    So, I'd start with what kind of app this is. Then break down the parts. Then estimate the parts.
  • 1

    Thanks so much for your input. It helped.

    I develop on my own, so the client is me. Nowadays I can't say rainman is a stretch.

    Is a simple advertising tool, people look at ads from other members to earn credits, which in turn is used to advertise to other members.

    Pretty simple. "Pages" like maybe 10 endpoints.

    It's a companion app, so doesn't have to be the whole web app.

    I think the bottleneck is me, I never created an app. I'd have to learn on the go, which slows shit down.

    Also Learning inertia.

    2-3 weeks?

    Which means... a month.

    Hmm gonna probably back burner this.
  • 1
    @jeeper thank you jeeper
  • 0
    It depends. sometimes they approve the app in one day, sometimes took me months... like I don't understand why
  • 1
    @johnmelodyme they can't make people wait that long, fucking natzees
  • 2
    @rant1ng well I live in Malaysia .... Anything come from the west we usually take no this for it... It is normal
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