
Read the fucking code! Stop asking questions that could be answered if you spent 5 minutes reading the code.

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    It literally took me 5 minutes to read it completely, I was looking here and there for more
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    Alright! Stop the fucking screaming!
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    ability to read != ability to understand.
    It is Sad - but no way around it.

    Use a combination of "what? where? why?" and "I don't get it either. maybe refactor the thing to be easier to understand?".
    Be positive, but do not be useful. It will come back to bite you in the ass.
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    write code in clean code standards and document logic flows so others can read it! :)

    kidding, somewhat. Been there with other who come to me asking what this does and I say 'did you read the docs and maybe debug step through some unit tests? Come back after you have if you still have questions.
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