So we do not have an amazing internet speed. Can you imagine the dread we feel in the office when a new xcode version needs to be used to have apps be accepted by apple again. For those uninitiated: update all ios devices. Update unity to work eith newest xcode. Update to newest xcode, update mac to newest osx to actually be able to update xcode. It takes FOREVER. If this meets you at 8am, you are not building today. You are done.

  • 3
    I don't get it why updates from Apple are always large,,,, Android Studio updates aren't that large... aargh
  • 0
    @bdhobare but I still hate the fact, that it takes half your hard drive to install all required Android SDK stuff. Overall Windows 10 UWP is the friendliest environment to build for.
  • 0
    @MartinZikmund not sure how it is now. But last time i checked it was just as shit as iOS. Oh yes you NEED a win 8.1 pc to build to 8.1 phone and all that. And it wasn't a painless process either. I would pick android uploads or steam PC uploads over any other thing on the market at this point :/
  • 0
    @bdhobare oh so you made a hello world app? Thats gonna need 50mb to install on a device that caps it's storage space by hardware.
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