
*plays song list of a singer in spotify*
*dislikes and immediately closes after 5 seconds*
Spotify: wHo liKeS ThaT sInGeR AlSo liStENs tO tHiS PoDCasTs!

What the fuck spotify?! I DIDN'T LIKE THAT SINGER. In fact, I didn't even listened to a single podcast. Now every fucking day, I have to see uninteresting podcasts on my fucking homepage. And I cant even disable that recommendations or click something like 'I am not interested'
Spotify: Do you like these podcasts?
Me: No.

FUCKING NO! JUST STOP! Its been 1 month and that recommendations still hangs on top of my homepage. I had to deal with this and I played somewhat related podcasts to my interests. And you know what? That fucking podcasts are gone! I still dont listen to the podcasts but at least It started to recommend something releated to my interests. Oh god... I hate when you can't customize software you use.

  • 3
    It's simple: stop using Spotify.
  • 2
    See above
  • 3
    Yeah they shouldve kept podcasts on a seoerate tab or something, I don't care about them and I don't like them filling screenspace...
  • 2
    ML to the rescue!

    Just give it more data, and it will move you away from the wrong cluster(fuck). Or it might start talking about hitler.
  • 1
    Having this problem where a podcast I clicked on and barely listened to for a minute is stuck in my "recommended podcasts" list, while podcasts I've listened to like 20-30 episodes of aren't there. And there is no way to remove things from recommended podcasts.
  • 0
    Spotify gets paid to make you like stuff by repeating horrible songs until they're stuck on your head forever.

    I prefer downloading music from YouTube, while using an AdBlock
  • 2
    @eo2875 @kamen I still like the app in general. I can discover new songs for my taste and there is plenty of good playlist created by spotify or other users. I just don't like how they implemented podcast recommendations.
  • 0
    @eo2875 I wish... That repeat button is pressed by me personally lol
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