
Been encountering way too many people who say that "Programming is easy" or "Learning to code is easy".

Like, yeah mother fucker we have education curriculums to teach kids. But that's not all there is to it.

This has the same energy as someone saying "math is easy" after learning 2+2=4. There's more a lot more to it dude.

  • 19
    Learning how to fuck is easy...

    Having good sex and a relationship hard.

  • 7
    It's not learning the basics that is hard, it's constant improving, adapting and building up experience that makes programming or a job in IT in general hard.
  • 4
  • 1
    Easy to learn, but fucking hard as hell to master
  • 2
    It's like soccer. The rules are fairly easy, and it's not all too hard to kick a ball...

    But that's still miles away from a professional player.
  • 1
    The piano is easy ! You just press buttons at the right time, you can probably train a monkey to do it.
  • 0
    For some its easier than others. That's usually what I say to people.

    I tried teaching a few of my friends and some take to it naturally (C++, git, job in a year) and others still ask me to explain very clear debugger messages all the time (after a year and many 1to1)

    You don't pick your brain. Some of the hardest thing to crack when teaching programming is to help people imagine what's happening under the hood!

    Programming by itself isn't hard, It's the same 10 or so keywords and you can suddenly use any language with some quirks here and there...

    Using libraries is the same except you use someone elses code... Boils down to learning how to do your own research, practice, experiments, trading docs... Also not hard, but you'd be surprised how few people find this natural when they start!

    Frameworks are harder but it's mostly about placing and naming stuff right, comes down to practice and experience...

    When I say "easy" I always consider who I'm talking to first...
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