
Write it in Matlab

  • 3
    is MATLAB bad? :( I like it
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    Matlab isn't bad :D
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    What is matlab?
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    It's a tool suite for doing high level math-heavy engineering type things.

    It's good for machine learning, signal processing and other similar things.

    In reality it's a good place to test an idea before implementing it in something more efficient.
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    MATLAB was the worst experience I've had. I think R and Python cover all it's use cases, and better. It only exists now for all that fucking legacy code
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    @iam13islucky Matlab is still popular in electrical engineering circles I think, I really like it's IDE too.

    Does Python or R have the nice visuals Matlab has and the toolboxes? In particular I'm thinking of Fuzzy Logic

    I know Octave exists as a free version of Matlab as well, which is more Matlab like
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