  • 3
    Tell them to write instructions on how to use a microwave, BUT whenever they use their arms/head/legs/torso they have to describe every movement in detail too. Not to mention that they also have to rewrite every movement in a full sentence.
  • 0
    Well, just output the assembly of your compiler xD
  • 1
    @linuxer4fun no kidding. My brother has to write assembly from time to time for his job. He told me he does it when the assembly the compiler makes is not efficient enough.
  • 0
    @jwmorse ya, i have to programm a compiler based on assembler capable of guis :P so.... I can feel your brother
  • 0
    ; Prints a string
    mov si, string
    call print_string

    ; Set direction flag.

    ; This hangs the computer.

    ; In SI = String.
    ; Out = Nothing.

    ; Setup int 10h parameters.
    mov ah, 0x0E
    mov bh, 0x00

    ; Load a byte from SI into AL
    ; and then increase SI.

    ; If AL contains a null-terminating
    ; character, then stop printing.
    cmp al, 0x00
    je .done

    int 10h

    jmp .loop

    ; Return control to the caller.

    string: db "this", 0
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