
For fuck's sake, why do so many engineering professors use Comic Sans in their power points and documents?!? These are incredibly intelligent people, so how can they be so ignorant? We all have to suffer as a result... Honestly, has nobody ever had the balls to tell them to change their fucking font because it is ugly as sin, hurts the eyes, and is super childish? Fuck all those people who insist on using Comic Sans. You all deserve to spend time burning in hell for your cruelty. Better yet - sir who invented Comic Sans: go fuck yourself and burn in hell.

  • 6
    But it makes learning FUN (fucking unbelievably noxious)!

    In my experience, technical ability doesn't correlate at all with aesthetic sense. In fact they might be inversely proportional.
  • 0
    I used Comic Sans in all my Uni essays to make them appear longer :) would go from 4 pages to nearly 6!
  • 1
    Just focus on the information and not the aesthetics...
  • 1
    @papierbouwer It's kind of hard to focus on the information when such a distasteful monstrosity is staring at you continuously.
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    @kalippu Yeah I'll admit this is a first world problem. But it's a pretty big one lol
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    @pyrotazz They better not be using it to increase the "fullness" of their slides....
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    @jlave215 I think you're right. From what I've witnessed, it's inversely proportional. I mean, these same people who have incredible coding skills, literally have the shittiest websites that we end up needing to use. They come with no ui or friendly navigation... 😒
  • 2
    I was at a CERN presentation. They used comic sans. I think it's because they want to present the material like it's simple, but I'm not sure. If CERN can do it, anyone can.
  • 2
    @starless That's horrible logic lol
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